Friday, September 12, 2008

TV Junkie

Before I met Curt I was a TV addict. I had my VCR set to record all of my favorite shows (maybe that is why I was available when we met). Once we started hanging out more my TV watching consisted of Thursday night NBC (Friends, ER) and ESPN. It was either that or spend less time with him, since he didn't share he same love of TV that I did (well he did but only of sports on TV). A few years ago we got our DVR and slowly my addiction crept back. I've kept things under control until my maternity leave. There has been so much great television on that I really feel I will go through withdrawals when I return to work in less than one week. I was able to catch up on the last 7 or so episodes of Ugly Betty. I watched the entire season of Breaking Bad. One day I watched a marathon of Tori and Dean goes to Hollywood (or whatever it is called. It was like crack - I just couldn't stop watching). I've been trying to catch up on Weeds but since I watch that on-line it has been a bit tougher. I've stayed caught up on the new season of Mad Men. I think I've seen every episode of Babies: Special Delivery. The Olympics were great for 2 weeks of TV watching. The U.S. Open (tennis) was also on. Last weekend we had a free preview of HBO and Cinemax. So far I've watched Hairspray, Dreamgirls, Waitress, and Evan Almighty. This weekend is a Starz and Encore free preview and I've already watched Dan in Real Life. I'll have to immerse myself in TV for 3 days next week before it is yanked out from under me and I am back in my TV-less cubicle.

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