Sunday, September 21, 2008

Great Weekend!

What a great weekend we've had! On Saturday we went down to the Farmer's Market, mainly to pick up some honey (a vendor there has very tasty honey and it is cheaper than you can find in the store). We also picked up some sweet corn, which was a huge hit with the younger crowd.Then mommy got out of the house for awhile to get her haircut and grocery shop, all while driving our new (to us) mini van.The mini van was great for hauling around our groceries (not that I bought that much - I actually stayed within budget!). And it is nice and spacious for trips with the whole family. I think we will enjoy having it.

The one down fall of the weekend was Bodie's stereotypical 2-year old behavior. Curt put him down for his nap at 1, and at 1:30 he was still awake. Then at 2:20 we heard banging coming from his room (we figured he was just kicking the wall or head board of his bed). There were strings of "hi mommy" and "hi dada" (I've told him in the past to say something when he wakes up so we know to come and get him). Since he'd already had a time out that day I told Curt I thought Bodie should stay up in his room for 2 hours if he wasn't going to sleep. Sure enough pretty soon we heard deep breathing over the monitor. We had decided to go to 4 pm mass Saturday night but given Bodie's behavior we arranged for him to hang out at Grandma's instead. Curt went to get him up around 3:30 and could only crack the door to Bodie's room open before hitting something. Turns out Bodie must have gotten very tired trying to get out of his room and feel asleep right infront of the door.

After church a father/son combo came to look at Curt's truck (it had to go since it isn't at all family friendly) and they bought it on the spot. Curt had only listed it on Craig's list Friday morning so we were surprised it sold so fast. The son had just had surgery and couldn't drive due to the meds he was taking, but they came this morning to pick the truck up.

We didn't have too much planned for today. Curt wanted to mow the lawn this morning so I took both boys to the park. Bodie was very well behaved and did well playing on his own (I carried Barrett in the Snugli so there wasn't a lot I could do with Bodie). It was a good way to burn off some of his energy so maybe he'd nap today (and he did...woohoo).

Then tonight was the topper. For so long Bodie has been asking to go potty (and now likes to ask Curt and I if we "go poopy" every time we go in the bathroom). He likes to sit on the pot, wipe (someday I will explain to him boys don't need to do that for peeing), and flush. Tonight he went and sat on his little potty chair. Usually one of us goes in with him but since he's never gone I just let him amuse himself while I cleaned up from his snack. I looked in the bathroom and saw him brushing off his legs like he'd gotten something on them. I didn't pay too much attention, finished what I was doing, and then went in there. He'd finally done it!!! Unfortunately since he was unsupervised, only a few drops made it in the potty chair and the rest were all over the floor. I laid the praise on thick and Bodie was very proud of himself. We'd promised him ice cream when he finally went, so it like we'll be headed to the dairy sweet one night this week (thankfully it doesn't close for the season until this weekend).

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