Barrett had his 9 month doctor visit on Friday, and it really didn't go how I had envisioned. For the most part Barrett looks good, but the doctor is concerned about his lack of movement (he isn't crawling, pulling up, or cruising yet). Now I do seem to remember that Bodie wasn't pulling up or cruising at this point, but he was crawling. Barrett has always been very happy just being where you put him. He has never done the whole roll all over the room thing. I remember at his 6 month appointment asking the doctor if it was ok that he didn't roll over more but at that point the doctor wasn't concerned because Barrett has a certain older brother that helps get him what he wants. But I guess now it is becoming an issue. The doctor suggested we really work with him over the next couple weeks and then if he doesn't make any improvements to call and he'll send us to a pediatric physical therapist. He did say it was a good sign that Barrett pushes himself around backwards, so hopefully with some pushing from us he'll start to go forward as well. Also I should say it isn't like he doesn't try to do these things. He tries so hard to crawl. He is immediately up on all fours (for a few weeks now) he just can't get it together to move. Also he tries to pull up, but I think it has to be difficult to pull up when you are sitting on your butt, as opposed to if you crawled to something, got on your knees, and pulled up. So, hopefully if we can get him crawling, the pulling up will come. And he is getting close. He'll pull himself onto his knees, so I hope he figures it out soon.
Length: 28.5" 60%
Weight: 19 lb 14 oz 40%*
Head: 18" 60%
* When the doctor saw he was 40% for weight he said "he is supposedly 40%" as if the nusre had mapped it wrong and then kept saying he was just under the 50%. In any event he isn't worried because Barrett looks "very solid".
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