Friday, January 25, 2008


In early December Curt and I found out we were unexpectedly expecting our 2nd child. Yes this was a surprise, i.e. unplanned, pregnancy but it was a surprise on so many other levels as well.
  1. When it takes 18 months, fertility drugs, and insemination to create your first born, it is hard to imagine you will just "get pregnant". Of course Curt and I both know people that faced obstacles when trying to conceive a first child that go on and easily get pregnant in the future, but we didn't think we'd be one of those people.
  2. We did not have sex at anytime near when I ovulated. This is probably the one that gets me the most. It had to be at least 4 days on either side of ovulation. Even though I've had 2 dreams we're having a boy, given our (lack of good) timing I have a nagging feeling it is a girl. We will see in a few months.
  3. Curt is taking methotrexate. We had been told by his doctor to not get pregnant until he is off of it for 3 months. Thankfully my OB was very reassuring. She said if the sperm survived him taking the medicine (which they obviously did) there is nothing to worry about.
  4. Of all the times in my life I chose the month of November to visit a general practicioner. I had not visited a doctor, aside from my OBGYN, since I was in college (late 1990s). I was having a nagging pain in my upper abdomen and ended up having a CAT scan when I was probably 1 week pregnant. Of course this has nothing to do with us getting or not getting pregnant, just ironic I would choose this point to visit a doctor. (I ended up being diagnosed with a hemangioma on my liver - probably unrelated to my pain.) Again my OB was very reassuring, telling me that if the baby survived those doses of radiation it will be fine.
  5. I was so freaking busy at work. Not only was I working all day, but once Bodie was in bed for the night I was working until late at night/early into the morning. I really didn't have time for extra curricular activities.

Even though this was a surprise, we are very excited to welcome a new addition to our family this August.

1 comment:

Kacie said...

How exciting! What a blessing for your family.

This baby must have a wonderful purpose--what a miracle!