Sunday, January 6, 2008

That Crazy Cooky Kid

Yesterday Bodie ate so much food, I'm still in awe. He normally has a really good appetite, but he can be pretty picky. He likes his fruits and veggies, but doesn't care for meat. Yesterday morning my mom wanted to take him to the Children's Museum so I wanted him to have a good breakfast before we went. We made him oatmeal with applesauce (pretty much the breakfast we give him everyday he's at home). He wanted nothing to do with it - after a few bites he wanted out of his chair. Normally he gets what we make him and if he doesn't eat then he doesn't eat, but since we were headed to the Museum I wanted him to have something in his tummy. I tried giving him toast and pineapple, he had 4 or 5 bites of the pineapple and was done. I really had my doubts about his behavior at the Museum but he did great! He had so much fun, we really will have to go back sometime.

After the Museum my mom wanted to go to Noodles for lunch. Bodie is really hit and miss with pasta but we thought we'd take our chances. I ordered him a small Pasta Marinara and he ate the entire thing! Now I've had a small serving at Noodles before and it's made me full, I can't believe he ate every last drop.

Then we come to supper. Curt and I decided to grill out steaks and have baked potatoes with it, two things Bodie never eats. I made him some cooked carrots, and gave him a small bite of steak and potato. He loved the steak and potato! I think he ate more of those than he did of his beloved carrots. Of course his new love of variety came to an end today, but hopefully these small steps will help him have a varied diet as he gets older.

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