Monday, February 18, 2008

All we need is just a little patience

If only I knew enough Guns N Roses songs to be able to title each of my posts after their lyrics....

Saturday was a pretty trying day for me. I really hate when I lose my patience with Bodie. I have to keep reminding myself that he's only 19 months old and I think I tend to expect more from him than he is capable of right now. Our day started off really nice. Curt hadn't slept well Friday night, so I got up with Bodie and we spent a lot of time snuggling on the couch, reading stories. He ate his breakfast great. Played by himself...just a nice day. After his nap my mom called and wanted to go shopping. I figured since it was such a nice day, I would bring Bodie along so he could get out and get some fresh air. First we went to Gordmans. The door we walked in didn't have any carts, but Bodie is good about walking with me and holding my hand, so I thought we'd be fine. And we were fine, until I was getting very hot and had to take my jacket off. When I let go of his hand he took off. Right as I was about to get him he nose dived to the floor. Thankfully there were empty carts around the store so I put him in one and he was fine again. I needed to find him a new pair of shoes because his current ones seemed to be getting a little snug. I finally found a pair in his size, took off his shoe and he freaked out. Real tears and everything. So, needless to say, we bought the new pair without even trying them on. I shouldn't really be surprised. Bodie has always been pretty attached to his shoes (that was his first word after Mama, Dada, Deuce and Tahj). The rest of our shopping trip was fine, though, after the shoe incident. At dinner I told Curt I really didn't have much patience that day, which you would think he would have been sympathetic of, but instead right after dinner he disappeared to the basement. I expected him to only be gone a few minutes (since he didn't tell me before what he was doing - trying to hook up the TV in our workout room). But after 20 or so minutes I figured out what he was doing and it just added to my frustrations of the day. So I decided to give Bodie his bath. Bodie kept splashing and splashing...I try not to be the no fun mom, but I hate leaving the bathroom just as wet as he is. Then I gave him his toothbrush (he gets to brush in the tub on bath nights) and he immediately put it in the water. So I had to try to grab it back to put toothpaste on it and he had the grip of death on that thing. I started to cry after I yanked it from his had. I just hate being so short with him. Curt resurfaced after bathtime was over and the rest of our evening was fine.

Then there was Sunday. A good, but odd day. Curt and I decided to run errands after Church, and we decided Bodie would have more fun playing with his grandparents than hanging out with us. We picked Bodie up at what usually would be the start of his nap time. We got home and gave him a little snack before we put him down. We put him in his crib at 1:30....After 40 minutes of listening to him talk and play music on his aquariam crib toy, I went to check to make sure he hadn't pooed. He was standing in his crib apparently not at all wanting to take his nap. I left him in there though, and had a lot of entertainment listening to him over the monitor. He talked about mama, dada, didi (diapers), made car sounds, kissed his stuffed animal, I can't remember what else but it was all pretty funny. When I heard him say didi, I had to wonder again if he'd pooed (he had a big toot when I put him down so I worried it was a possibility). Since he'd been in there for an hour and a half I decided to put away the laundry in the dryer and get him up. Of course, when I walked upstairs with the laundry I heard a different sound from his room - snoring!! I couldn't believe after almost 2 hours he was finally out. Of course by now it was 3:30 and if we let him sleep too long he wouldn't go to sleep that night. He woke up a little after 4 and was of course poopy. And fussy. We think he might be teething because he's been chewing on his fingers a lot lately. After some motrin he was a pretty happy kid again.

Today Bodie's daycare is closed for a teacher in service day, so he is at home hanging out with daddy, who has the day off for President's day. They are going to come and meet me for lunch though, hopefully with both of them in a good mood.

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