Thursday, April 3, 2008

Scaredy Baby

Last week Bodie was sent home from daycare with a temp of 102. Curt took him to the doctor on Friday to find out he had a cold that was moving into his ears. This explained a lot of attitude, night waking, not eating issues he had been having all week (we blamed it on teething since, aside from sounding a little congested, he really didn't have signs of illness). Anyway the prescription he is on has caused him to have a lot of dirty diapers. The poor guy's bottom was pretty red for awhile, so on Tuesday night we let him run around - sans diaper - to dry out. Things went fine until about 45 minutes later he had an accident on the kitchen floor (which we expect would happen since we are not really close to potty training at all). So as Curt mopped it up, I went upstairs to get a diaper so we could Bodie ready for bed. All of a sudden I heard a clunk, Curt say "oh no" and a big baby wail. Turns out Bodie had gone into the kitchen, slipped and hit his head on the floor. Obviously he was pretty upset about it, and the rest of the night he just wanted to snuggle up with us (which I definitely didn't mind since he isn't much of a snuggler anymore). We gave him some motrin and he went to bed without issue, and has been fine ever since. Except for one thing. He is afraid to walk in the kitchen. It is probably a little mean of us, but Curt and I are finding this pretty funny. Especially when Bodie forgets he is scared of the kitchen, goes running in there, and then starts crying when he realizes where he is. Most of the time though he will just stop on the edge of the carpet before the linoleum starts, whines, and gestures into the kitchen at something he wants. We figure (hope) after a few days he'll forget his fear altogether. We did make a little progress this morning when he held my hand to walk through the kitchen to leave for school. The one benefit of his new fear is that he hasn't been digging through the fridge (yes, he can open it on his own) and I haven't been finding random things from the lazy susan in the living room.

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