Monday, July 21, 2008

Baby Update

I can't believe that 2 short weeks from today our new arrival will be here. Of course last week I was getting so frustrated with work I told a co-worker I may cut the baby out myself just to get me out of there (joking, of course). Anyway, slowly but surely we are getting ready. We've washed all of Bodie's 0-3 month clothes and put them away in his room. We moved the crib into our room - which is making me a little nervous. Once the baby is sleeping through the night the boys will share a room, but until then the baby will stay with us. I just hope that having the little guy in our room doesn't somehow backfire on us, or cause the baby not to be a good sleeper. Bodie was sleeping through the night around 8 weeks, about the same time he started at daycare. Of course we aren't expecting this baby to follow suit, although it would be really nice if he did. I also bought and have started painting the letters to his name, that we will hang up in the room he is not sleeping in. We still need to get out a few baby gear items - car seat, bath tub, bouncy chair - and get them cleaned up and ready to go. Ideally (because I am totally nesting) I want to shampoo the bedroom carpets and also the stairs. I am thinking of taking a "work-at-home" day on Friday if all goes well, which should let me get somethings done here.

I had a doctor appointment last week with an ultrasound to check my placenta. It finally has moved up and shouldn't be an issue for delivery! Also at almost 37 weeks the baby was estimated to weigh 7lb 3oz. At this same point in my pregnancy with Bodie, he was estimated to weigh 10lb 1oz, so I am pretty confident this guy isn't going to come out as big as his older brother. Bodie came 10 days after that estimate, weighing 9lb 15.5oz. I told Curt I think the new guy will be a good 8.5 lbs, but Curt really thinks he'll be over 9lbs. We'll have to see who is right on that guess (but as they say - mom's know best!).

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