Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My Sister-in-Law

I have 2 sisters-in-law, Curt's sister and my brother's wife. They are both pieces of work in their own ways. Curt's sister lives in Boise, so thankfully I don't have to deal with her too often (caller ID is a wonderful thing). My brother's wife lives just an hour away so I end up seeing and talking with her fairly often. She is very nice but really says some crazy things. There is usually something from those encounters that leave Curt and I shaking our heads. A few gems:

When we registered for gifts while pregnant with Bodie she checked out our registry and wanted to offer some advice (she was a mom for 6 whole months before we were so I'm sure her knowledge was at a level I could only hope to achieve someday). When we registered I did a lot of research (I highly recommend the book Baby Bargains when it comes to picking out baby goods) about which products and brands I wanted to register for. We ended up registering for the Jeep stroller. Her advice - "are you sure that is safe for infants?" As if I am dumb enough to register for a stroller that will be useless to me the first 6 months of my son's life (it is safe for infants and Bodie really enjoyed his walks in it).

Shortly before my niece was born, my SIL quit her job to take on her new job as a stay at home mom. Once she remarked to me that she would like to work outside of the home but just didn't have anyone to watch her kids. I'm not even sure what to say about this. I'm pretty sure I didn't say anything to her face when she made this comment to me. Of course I have come to learn she really doesn't "get" quality daycare...

When Bodie was just over a year old we went to visit SIL and to see our new nephew. When we walked in their (new) house Bodie had a bit of a melt down. He is definitely a shy boy and back at that time he did have a tough time when we would go to new places. She remarked that it was odd he acted like that since he went to daycare - you would think he'd be used to lots of people and different things. Well...at our daycare Bodie is in the same room, with his same friends, and same teachers everyday. It isn't like they are all thrown in a room with random people coming in and out all the time.

Finally we got our last gem at Bodie's birthday party. She asked if Bodie had learned any naughty words at daycare. Um...at the time he had been in a room with 18-24 month olds. None of their vocabularies really expanded much past the things they needed to meet their basic needs, let alone saying anything of the naughty variety.

This weekend is my nephew's birthday party. Hopefully I will get some great material from her at the party to share.

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