Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What a great night

Lately Bodie has been a very challenging toddler. I am not sure if it is the whole "terrible twos" or he is still recuperating from a couple of sick days last week, but he has been very very whiny. He keeps whining about all of his "ouies" (that looks completely spelled wrong but sound it out and it'll make sense). Morning and night he has ouies. I'll ask him where his ouies are and he'll just give me a blank stare (except for 2 instances - once his toes had an ouie and another time it was his teeth). It has been making Curt and I very nervous that Bodie is hitting this stage right as the baby is coming, since we figure his behavior probably will not be the best when we bring a new baby into the home. Anyway, tonight was a really good night. Bodie got home from school and wanted to eat applesauce. We are usually eating dinner within about 15-20 minutes of getting home thanks to Curt getting things started when he gets off work, so I told Bodie I would let him have applesauce with his dinner. I arranged on Bodie's plate, broccoli, potatoes, pork chop, and a side bowl of applesauce. Dinner time has been another struggle at our house so I didn't know what Bodie would do with this food (we've learned asking for a food is no guarantee he will eat said food). Bodie ate the bowl of applesauce and declared himself all done with dinner. We asked him to try his other foods and he responded with no bite. I put broccoli on the fork and fed it to him and then he could not get enough. He ate every piece of broccoli I had cooked. Then he topped it off with trying a bite of potato, and getting seconds on his applesauce. He never tried his pork chop but this is probably the most he's had at dinner time in awhile, so we were very excited.

Then we went outside to enjoy what turned into a descent night, not as hot as it has been. Bodie played very well, only crying about an ouie once (which was justified since he fell down and told me his ouie was on his knee). Then we decided to head to our local ma and pa ice cream stop for a special treat. This kid can put down ice cream like no one I know. We came home, went for a short walk, took a bath, played and laughed. Definitely one of the more enjoyable nights we have had lately. It also made me a little sad, thinking of how happy Bodie was, and how good of a time we were all having, and wondering how all of this will change soon when the baby comes. Hopefully we will still be able to find a good happy balance for our family.

I did have another doctor appointment today. Somehow over the past week I've lost 3lbs (which is why Curt decided we should go out for ice cream tonight). Even with that loss the baby is now measuring a week ahead (he'd been measuring ahead by ultrasound but my belly measurement was always right track for the number of weeks I was). One funny moment came when the doctor was trying to find the heartbeat. She'd found his butt at the upper left side so she checked for the heartbeat at the lower left side. She couldn't find it there so she moved to the lower right side where she was able to pick it up. She commented about how he must be a pretty big baby to have his heart so far from his butt. She guessed he'd be around 9 lbs or so when we delivered, which made Curt pretty happy since that is his guess for the baby's size. Otherwise no real news from the appointment. I've dilated to 1 cm and my cervix has thinned a bit more than last week.

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