Friday, July 25, 2008

2 year doctor appointment

Bodie had his 2 year doctor appointment yesterday. He was so well behaved at the doctor. Usually when we go he will start fussing as soon as we pull in the parking lot. Yesterday he held it together until we were in the door! Then Curt walked in just a few minutes behind us and Bodie stopped his fussing until they called his name (props to the doctor office here - we didn't even get a chance to sit before we were called back). Bodie did his normal fussing for the nurses as they tried to take all of his measurements. His stats:

Height: 37" - 96th %
Weight: 28lb 8oz - 65th %
Head Circumference: 19 5/8 - 80th %

He's growing well. His weight percentile keeps dropping at each visit but the doctor isn't concerned since his height and head measurements have held steady. He claims Bodie will just be tall and skinny.

Bodie wouldn't really talk to the doctor but he did talk to us while the doctor was in the room, which is another improvement. The doctor gave us some tips on things to do when we bring the baby home to keep Bodie from feeling left out. Bodie did have to get one shot, which he was not at all happy about, but after a few tears he was fine. All in all it was a good visit.

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