Tuesday, March 3, 2009

More Potty Training

What isn't more exciting than a post about my son's peeing habits?! Saturday morning I thought we would try an "underwear day" and see where Bodie might be again with potty training. The underwear went on and I put him on the potty chair about every 20 minutes. Well about 2 minutes after "trying" he had an accident. Curt put him back on the potty, gave him some apple juice to maybe propel him to pee (but he didn't) put clean underwear on him and sent him on his way. Bodie came upstairs to help me clean and had another accident. I carried him downstairs and put him back on the toilet. I really talked up the positive reinforcement, telling him how I knew he had tried to make it to the potty (he hadn't), next time he'd do it (really had my doubts), and that it would be ok. He got a skittle for sitting there and then I asked him if he wanted to get up and put his underwear on. He told me that he needed to go potty, and just sat there. And sat there. And sat some more. Finally he wanted some more apple juice and I obliged (he doesn't normally get juice at home so if it works to help get him potty trained he can have it). He drank his juice and started getting very fidgety. Oh, I could tell a big moment was coming. Would he pee in the potty chair? You betcha he did! But it wasn't the great moment I thought it would be. He screamed and cried as he peed. Oh boy! You would think that peeing was the most painful thing he had ever done. Now, normally if this happened I might think he had some sort of infection, but since it didn't happen until he peed on his chair, I think it just scared him, really bad. I tried to find information on "toddler scared of peeing" and google asked if I meant "toddler scared of seeing". Hmm...no thanks. Anyway although I couldn't find any credible information on it, I did see some message boards where parents had the same problem, so I guess Bodie isn't completely abnormal. So, he's peed. He actually sat on various toilets in our house for about a 2 hour span trying to pee in all of them, and screaming each time any pee came out. Even saying to us "you need hold my hand" when he had to go.

On Sunday I wasn't even going to say the word potty, as the events of Saturday seemed pretty trying for him. But he was insistent and asked to go potty 3 times during the day (still screaming but seemed to get better with each try). The biggest accomplishment though came yesterday at school. I told his teacher in the morning what we'd been through over the weekend, just in case Bodie started screaming in the bathroom there. And when I saw the daycare phone number come up on my caller ID at work, minutes after sitting at my desk I was afraid (but it was Barrett's teacher calling for a quick question). When I returned to pick Bodie up after school I asked him if he'd gone potty and he gave me a look that seemed to say "I don't really want to talk about this right now Mom!" But his teacher jumped in and told me that HE DID GO PEE. ALL BY HIMSELF. AND DID NOT SCREAM!!! She said he looked a little scared when he came out of the bathroom, and made a little mess, but did great! I'm not sure when we will really start pushing him with the potty training. I'd like to see him go without screaming a few times and then we can work towards the actually training. At least we are making some progress though.

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