Saturday, March 15, 2008

Busy, busy day

What a busy day we had today. This morning after Bodie got up we had breakfast (I was domestic and made homemade pancakes while Bodie slept in). Then we went off to the hospital to see Curt. I was afraid Bodie would be board, but there were just enough chairs and doors to play with to keep him occupied. After our visit we went to swimming lessons. I had though just about skipping them this week but I'm so glad I didn't. Bodie did awesome!! He didn't cry and hardly whined. He actually seemed to be enjoying himself. The only time he got a little upset was when we were practicing floating, because he wanted to be jumping in instead. After swimming we stopped to see Grandma, who graciously took us out to lunch (although I am pretty sick of take out food now). We came home and both Bodie and mommy took naps. I tried staying awake to make sure Bodie went to sleep but I was exhausted and could still hear him babbling as I drifted off. I do know that his nap was no longer than an hour and a half but that's okay, we were able to get a little longer visit in with Curt this afternoon than I thought we would. After our visit we stopped to pick up what hopefully is our last take out meal for awhile, came home where Bodie ate his pasta like he hadn't eaten in days. At least I feel better about him eating that than the french fry only lunch he had today. He then took a bath, had a snack and is in bed for the night. I might try to catch up on one of my old DVR'd Ugly Betty's and then go to sleep myself.

Curt is doing well today. He is off his IV and they did tell him if he was adamant about leaving today they would let him. He wasn't comfortable with that yet since the furthest he has walked is to the bathroom and he said he wouldn't feel comfortable going up and down the stairs at our house. We are hoping for an early release in the morning, and a quick stop by my parents for what was supposed to be an early Easter/Curt birthday lunch. Curt did get upped to regular foods at lunch today so if we get out in time he should be able to enjoy a little of the corned beef and cabbage my mom had planned to make for him tomorrow. If not he'll get to enjoy it later in leftover style.

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