Monday, March 3, 2008

What a weekend!

On Friday Curt decided to stay home from work since he hadn't been feeling well all week. He went in to see the doctor and they suspect he has strep throat (even thought the test was negative). So he started on antibiotics and seems to be feeling much better. I've been still battling a cough all week, and I wonder if it is related to the dry air. I really have it when I wake up but seem to get better as the day goes on. I'm going to buy a humidifier to keep in our bedroom and see if it helps us out.

On Saturday Bodie and I went to his very first swimming lesson. On the positive side I will say he didn't cry the entire time. He started to cry when I took of his shirt in the locker room, although once I took my clothes off he must have decided it was ok, and he relaxed a little. When we got into the water he was fine, until I tried to hold him out in front of me a little. Then he broke down. One of the observers (I'm guessing it was someone sort of in charge that worked there) got him out some toys. I showed him how to splash in the pool (since that is so much fun for him in the tub) and those things got him calmed a little. He didn't want to practice front float or back float or do the hokey pokey. He did seem to enjoy "jumping" in (and wanted to practice this at home yesterday - even when no one was there to catch him). Hopefully after a few more lessons he will get used to it and we're hoping Curt will come to the last lesson and snap some pictures for us (he decided he wanted to enjoy "quiet time" while we go to lessons).

By the time we got home it was already 60 degrees out, so we played outside until lunch. After lunch Bodie took an awesome 2 1/2 hour nap during which I was very productive. I felt some inspiration from reading Kaci's post on freezer cooking. I haven't posted a Meal Plan Monday in several weeks because, frankly, I've been a little embarrassed about how we've been eating - quick, packaged, convenient foods. I've blamed a lot of this on my pregnancy - too tired to get up early to prepare dinner for that night, blah blah blah. I knew I wanted to get some meals ready before the baby comes, but why not start now. So during Bodie's nap I managed to go to the grocery store and make 2 different freezer recipes (each recipe made 2 meals). I took a risk and tried new recipes we haven't had before - Chicken and Bow Tie Pasta and Beef Enchiladas (which I can't find the recipe for online - if it turns out good I'll post it in the future). My hope is to make 2 recipes each weekend - main dishes or side dishes - and get a good stock of things built up.

After I finished my marathon cooking, my mom came over and we took the dogs on a walk. Bodie and Curt played basketball and in the sandbox outside. After all that activity I was wiped. I'd been on my feet literally all day and my body let me know I needed to rest. After dinner I lounged around, and Curt and I watched 3:10 to Yuma after Bodie went to bed. Yesterday I still felt pretty low energy. I took a nap in the afternoon while Bodie napped and accomplished nothing all day. I did manage to get up with my alarm at 5:30 this morning and tidied up the living room. I meant to be up, dressed, and ready to go before Bodie this morning but that didn't happen. He has been trading sleeping in for longer naps lately, and I'm not sure which I like better. If I kept accomplishing things during his nap, and could manage to get myself up and going in the morning, I'm sure I'll like this new arrangement better.

1 comment:

Kaci said...

Wow - sounds like you were busy! I'm glad I was able to inspire someone. :)