Thursday, October 2, 2008

2 Months

Barrett had his 2 month appointment today and is growing by leaps and bounds. He is now 23.75 inches long, 12 lb 11.6 oz and head circumference of 15.75 inches. His length held steady at the 75th percentile. His weight jumped from 45th to 75th and his petite head is now average, at the 50th percentile. He seems to be on track developmentally which is nice to hear. The poor guy did have to endure 5 shots plus the rotovirus oral vaccine today so he was a bit on the crabby side this evening.

For some reason Curt thought it would be "easier" to bring Bodie along to Barrett's appointment. I can't really say I agree since the doctor is just about Bodie's least favorite place to be. On the way there we really tried to talk up the fact that Barrett was the one seeing the doctor and not Bodie but Bodie still freaked out when the nurse called Barrett's name to take us back to the exam room. Once we had Barrett undressed Bodie began to relax and really was good for the most part. I still think it would have been easier just to stop back at daycare to pick Bodie up after we finished with Barrett's appointment though.

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