Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Am I right or Am I right?

Each day my routine at daycare is the same. In the morning I drop off Barrett and then Bodie and in the evening I pick up Bodie and then Barrett. Today there is a sign on the door of the infant room which I casually glanced at as Bodie and I walked in to get Barrett. I noticed something about wearing booties when you come in the room and wondered if it was a new policy or just because it was raining out (I always slip off my shoes or put booties on when it is wet out). I started getting Barrett ready to go and the teacher told me about the sign on the door. I told her I'd seen it but not completely read it. Then she told me what else it said. They no longer want older siblings to come into the infant room. Are you kidding me??? What am I supposed to do, take Barrett into a room of 2 year olds that cannot keep their hands to themselves? I explained to the teacher the reason for my routine (so Barrett doesn't get mauled everyday). She said I could quickly put Barrett in the room in the morning, take Bodie to his room, and then come back to get things situated with Barrett, and then the opposite in the evenings. The reason, she tells me, is to cut down on the amount of germs in the infant room since RSV season is upon us. So I guess it is better for Barrett to go to the 2 year old room, get exposed to all of their germs, and bring them back to the infant room to share with all his friends. Yeah, that makes complete sense to me. If anyone has a defense of this new policy, I am all ears (eyes). I just cannot see how this makes sense. And you better believe if I see the teacher's daughter in there at the end of the day I will say something. I should also add that Bodie doesn't touch anything in the room, except for Barrett and our car seat (he likes to put it away). Oh and should I also wrap the car seat up in plastic - I'm sure it is carrying just as many germs as the bottoms of my shoes!

I had a emotionally draining day as it was so I did shed a few tears on the way home from work (I know, a silly thing to cry over, but I've got all those mommy hormones overflowing today). Anyway, Bodie was sitting in the back seat, acting a little crazy. I was ignoring him and he finally said "Booty no funny?" Awww...he can always make me laugh!

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