Saturday, April 11, 2009

Bargain Meal Recipe Updates

I want to write a quick post about a couple of the recipes I'd posted for the Bargain Meal of the Week, but had never actually tried myself. Thankfully they both turned out to be pretty yummy. Last week we made Beefaroni and Skillet Pork Chops with Potato and Onion.

I was afraid the Beefaroni would be too plain but it was great. The only changes I made was cooking a chopped onion with the hamburger and I added a lot of Italian Seasoning. It was a hit with Curt and I. Bodie seems to be in some sort of anti-pasta phase so he didn't have much, but I'll definitely make it again.

The Pork Chops were also very good. Curt made this so I know that the recipe was followed exactly...he doesn't deviate unless I instruct him to :). I guess we did deviate slightly because we only used 2 pork chops, 2 potatoes, and 1 onion. Bodie is in a pro-pork chop phase so it probably would have been ok to make a 3rd chop, but I had them frozen in packages of 2.

I can now officially recommend both of these recipes. Happy cooking!!

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