Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Because I haven't written enough random blogs

  • Yesterday I took Barrett to the doctor for his eczema issues. We were prescribed a higher strength of hydrocortizone (which when I got to the pharmacy found out it was actually OTC). He looked a lot better tonight but of course all the ladies at daycare had their opinions of what is wrong with him: He might be lactose intolerant! He could be allergic to wheat! Definitely an allergic reaction! Maybe it is from Bodie's old clothes you took out of storage! I know that everyone means well. I'm not convinced it isn't some sort of allergy. I did stop eating citrus fruits and stopped giving Barrett mango because I thought our mess started when we both were consuming citrus frequently. However, it is been close to a month now that we've refrained and there isn't much change. We go back to the doctor in 2 weeks for Barrett's 9 month appointment (!) and I'll ask the doctor then what the likelihood it is something he is allergic too. Yesterday he only asked if I noticed it flare up after certain foods, but there doesn't seem to be any pattern that we can find (because it really is always flared up).
  • Last night I was in a bit of a hurry to get Barrett's crib sheet on and get Barrett to bed. When I went upstairs to put the sheet on, Bodie followed me upstairs and started messing with the vacuum (undoing the cord, stringing it around everywhere). After I got the sheet on, I turned around to see the mess and under my breath muttered that I had that all put together and he'd messed it up. I wasn't even sure Bodie heard me since I wasn't really saying it for any one's benefit, just for my frustration. Sure enough after I went down to get Barrett and come back upstairs, Bodie had put the cord on the vacuum perfectly. I can't even say how nicely it was done...probably nicer than I usually do it and much nice than Bodie ever has. Made me feel bad for being frustrated in the first place.
  • A good friend of Curt's was in a bad motorcycle accident this morning. Sounds like he is going to be ok though. I guess he was "sorting out the cattle" and hit a hole in the pasture. The clutch or handlebar went into his leg, coming about 1/8 inch from his femoral artery. Thankfully his "hired man" was with him and phoned for help. The helicopter came and got him to the hospital just in time. He had surgery today and seems to be recovering. Please keep him and his family in your prayers.
  • I'm heading for a girl's weekend with some friends over the weekend. I'm having some anxiety over my flying so I'd appreciate any thoughts and prayers that I'm safe. I'm very much looking forward to getting away for a few days and hope Curt survives being a single parent for a few days :).
  • I feel there is more but it escapes me. I'll write more random thoughts in the future I'm sure.

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