Friday, April 24, 2009

Independence Day

Last night we were outside enjoying a beautiful evening. Bodie was standing at the door whining about something he wanted inside and couldn't get the door open. I kept ignoring him until he started playing with the PediPaws, when I had to go stop that and see what he wanted. I realized he was saying he wanted bread, so I opened the door and let him inside. I followed him into the kitchen, where he promptly turned around and tried pushing me out of the room, declaring "I do it myself". Well, OK then. I stood in the doorway while he got a chair from the dining room, pushed it to the kitchen counter, opened the bread package, grabbed the slice I'd tried giving him at dinner which he decided he didn't want at that time, closed the package, and headed back outside. I guess he just doesn't need his mama like he used to.

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