Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Dreams and Reality

Saturday night I woke up around 2:30 am to my mother-in-law yelling for her dogs to come back in the house. The yelling lasted for probably about 10 minutes then they all came inside and I drifted back to sleep. I started having a crazy dream that I was staying at my in-laws house and there were people with guns there. I begged them not to shoot Bodie and I as we were climbing up a ladder. Then my mother-in-law yelled "oh God no" and I was awake. Now I didn't know if she was yelling in my dream or yelling in real life, and I was very freaked out. I sat up in bed and listened, trying to hear if there was any sort of commotion happening downstairs. I figured if someone had broken into the house, the dogs would be barking - and they weren't. Then I thought maybe something happened to my father-in-law, who isn't in the best of health. Or I thought maybe there was a phone call that something happened to Curt or his brother, with whom Curt was staying. After about 15 or so minutes I convinced myself I heard sirens and looked out the window - it was completely dark outside. I thought if there was an ambulance coming the porch lights would at least be on. Finally I decided to go downstairs and check things out (well I really needed to use the bathroom, so I had no choice). I went down, used the bathroom (conveniently the 2nd story was a later addition to the house and the stairs are in the bathroom, seriously). Then I stepped out, looked around, and nothing was going on. I went back up to bed, still freaked out, and I think I was up for at least another hour and a half before dozing off.

The next morning I told my mother-in-law about my dream, and we had a nice laugh about it. She figured it was because she had been out yelling at the dogs earlier, which makes sense.

Sunday night Curt and his brother (and his brother's dog) showed up at the in-laws. Monday morning we sat around the table for breakfast, while all the dogs played outside. All of a sudden the dogs spotted a car at the end of the road, and started running towards it. My in-laws dogs are country dogs, they chase and come back, but my brother-in-law's dog is a city dog, although he spends some time at the farm also. Anyway, BIL stepped outside to call his dog back and the car got closer and closer to the IL's house and ended up hitting BIL's dog. And then my MIL yelled "oh God, oh God," eerily similar to what she yelled in my dream. Very odd. Anyway, the dog seems to be fine. Curt and MIL watched the whole thing unfold (I couldn't bear to watch) and then they both ran outside to check on Hunter, along with BIL. The dog had been knocked unconscious, but all of a sudden sprang up in a bit of a daze. Then the dumb thing tried to chase the car that hit him as the driver left the scene a few minutes later. My MIL called a 24-hour vet and told them what had happened and how the dog was acting, and the vet said all seemed fine (now if it were my dog I would have taken them straight to a vet to get checked over, but whatever). When we talked to MIL last night she said the dog was sore but acting good, so hopefully he will be ok.

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