Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Tonight at dinner Curt filled Bodie's cup with milk, sat it down in front of him, and said "milk" very deliberately. He was trying to get Bodie to repeat him to help him start calling milk milk instead of "no no". Well instead when Curt said "milk" Bodie said "please". Curt and I laughed...it really is hard to argue with that level of cuteness.

Over the weekend I began working on the task of organizing Bodie's pictures into an album. I'm not into scrapbooking, but I would rather flip through an album of photos than look at them on-line. Plus there is something comforting of having hard copies of your favorite memories. Anyway, I just can't believe how much Bodie has changed over the past 22 months.

Look at that double chin and rolly polly arms!

I think I see a neck there now!

1 comment:

Kaci said...

The difference is amazing. But hey, at least he's stayed cute! I'll warn you now it will seem like he's changed overnight when you have the baby. That's when Matthew really seemed to be a boy instead of a baby.