Friday, May 2, 2008

Snot or Mandarin Oranges?

Earlier this week Bodie spike a temp at daycare and had to spend a day at home. We decided to take him in to the doctor since, although he's been in a good mood, he has been pretty snotty and getting a worsening cough. He was diagnosed with a sinus infection and prescribed Ceftin. The pediatrician warned us it tasted bad and asked us to get it flavored. Well the nice little pharmacy said they couldn't flavor it because of the amount of the prescription, or the dosage (the girl talked very softly and I was wrestling a toddler while she was talking to me, so I have almost no idea why they couldn't do it). Anyway, we came home to take the medicine and it was apparent from the start that it did not taste good. After just a little squirt Bodie will say "all done" and I have to keep telling him just a little more. Tonight, squeaky clean from his bath, we laid down to take the medicine (we have to do it laying down because he grits his teeth and/or loosens his jaw so making it impossible to get it down if he is upright). We got the dosage down. Bodie had a small cough and stuff started coming out of his nose. It really looked like a huge wad of snot. Then once it started spewing out of his mouth I realized it wasn't snot, but the mandarin oranges he had with dinner. Of course my non-motherly instincts immediately told me to back away, then I realized I am the mom and had to comfort him, puke or no puke. I got him wiped off and just held him while daddy got the floor cleaned up (I definitely got the better end of that deal). I let him stay up an extra half hour so I could selfishly enjoy lots of snuggle time. Tomorrow we are going to have to try our own flavoring of the medicine. I think we'll try mixing with applesauce in the morning. If that doesn't go over well I will try with juice tomorrow night. Bodie isn't much of a juice drinker but anything to take the edge off the nasty taste of the medicine has got to be worth a try.

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