Saturday, May 31, 2008

A Conversation

Curt: Are you in a good mood?
Me: Yes
Curt: I love you
Me: What do you want to do...What fun do you want to go have while I'm stuck at home?

He wants to go to a golf tournament about 2.5 hours from here - fine - about 2 weeks before the baby is due - not so fine! I thought I had him talked out of it a few weeks ago when he brought it up, but after seeing some old college friends last weekend he learned a lot of guys he hasn't seen in a long time are going to be there. Now I'm all for seeing old friends and having fun, and I try not to be "that wife" that doesn't let him go do anything, but there are times I will put my foot down. Even though we are having a scheduled c-section that is no guarantee the baby will wait until then to come (we learned that lesson with Bodie). There is a chance I'll pull out my beyotch-card and say things like "well if I am in labor, don't expect a call" or "I hope you miss the birth of your child". It is so frustrating that he isn't respecting my wishes on this one.

On a completely unrelated note Bodie is in his crib singing a little song. It goes something like this:

A guy...dada a two...shoe...puppy (various whispering I can't understand) papa...dada...

I better go get the little guy up.

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