Thursday, June 12, 2008

Rain, Rain, Go Away...

Another night, another tornado warning (or several warnings in a row). Last night the radio mentioned a wall cloud about 10 miles southwest of Lincoln heading northeast, right towards us, so we decided it would be best to hang out in the basement.
Bodie became pretty restless as the clock crept past his bedtime. We pulled out the hide-away bed, hoping he'd lay down with us and go to sleep. He was more interested in talking about the lights, pillows (lillows), eyes and shirts than to sleep. Finally about 8:20 the weather seemed to be letting up so Curt took Bodie upstairs to bed. We received a total of 4.10 inches of rain last night, with about 3.5 of that coming in just a couple hours. Here are a few pictures of the lovely "commons area" behind our house (which is typically a grass filled ditch with no water).

My thoughts and prayers go out the the families affected by the tragedy at the Little Sioux Boy Scout camp in Iowa. This really hit close to home and I am saddened by what took place there. I don't know if I feel especially struck by this because I am a mom, soon to be of 2 boys that very well could be boy scouts some day. Today I definitely feel blessed and thankful for all that I have.

1 comment:

IdleMindOfBeth said...

I wonder if your property values went up, now that you're "waterfront"....

Really glad to know that you guys have made it thru the storms ok.